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Parents should contact Fr. Vincent.


For anyone who wishes to become a Roman Catholic who is either not baptised or was baptised in another christian denomination, we have a programme in the parish to give people the opportunity to learn about the Catholic faith and to join the Church.

This programme, called the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).

If you are interested then please contact Fr. Vincent.


A priest is available for confession on Saturday before the vigil Mass

from 4 pm to 4:25 pm.

You can request the sacrament at any time out with the above times by contacting priests in the neighbouring parishes of Airdrie.


First Confessions for primary 3 children take place in the Spring.


For Mass times see Services.

First Holy Communions take place in May.


Confirmations take place every 2 years with the children of primary 6 and primary 7 receiving the sacrament.


Please see the separate page for everything concerning weddings by clicking on the link at the top of this page.

Holy Orders

This is the sacrament by which men are ordained to the diaconate, priesthood and episcopacy. If you are interested in becoming a deacon or priest or in religious life please contact Fr. Vincent.

Sacrament of the Sick

If anyone is seriously sick, relatives and friends should contact the priest to arrange for him to come and administer the sacrament. 

If a person is admitted to hospital and is seriously ill then they or their relatives should inform the hospital staff that they are Catholic and that the hospital chaplain should be informed.

Please inform Fr. Vincent as well.


Corpus Christi is a Roman Catholic parish in the Diocese of Motherwell, Scotland.

The parish was founded in 1948 from St Margaret's Parish, Airdrie.

The Church was opened in 1952.

There are approximately 800 parishioners.


RC Presbytery Corpus Christi

Crowwood Crescent


Airdrie ML6 9TA


01236 763670


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